I got up extra early the other day to capture the beauty that is a sunrise over suburban Melbourne. OK, so it wasn't that early. The sun didn't get going until 7.20 - so it wasn't really that much of an effort. But it was cold....... and it is beautiful
Take a moment to look outside the mundane for the beauty in everyday moments.


7/1/2012 11:26:45 pm

I LOVE sunrises so pretty and the smell of a new day .......BUT I LOVE my sleep more especially in Winter :P

7/2/2012 02:05:51 pm

I hear you. It is a little easier to get up at the moment though with school holidays (when I feel like it). I was finding it very difficult to get going when the alarm told me to towards the end of the term!

7/5/2012 12:31:46 pm

Hi Lee,

I love being able to appreciate the sunrise at this time of year. Its even easier in Hobart - The sun doesn't really break through until 7.50!

7/5/2012 02:09:11 pm

Wow Gail, sleep in and you still get a sunrise. Nice!! I had never thought about how late the sun came up in different areas along the east coast of Australia, until I moved to Melbourne - and realised we were still getting up at the same time, yet it was dark!


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