I was scouring the blogosphere the other day and came across this post from the good men project about advice for mum's raising boys and I just had to share it with you.

Before you race over to look at that link I wanted to share my two favourite points.

Yes, it really is all about poop.

Yes, that really was the title of that point (I'm not making this stuff up!). Boys are obsessed with this particular bodily function and enjoy talking about it and in particular, spending quality time partaking in this past time. What really struck me was the point that boys are often so busy racing around during the day that they don't actually realise they have to go until you ask them to stand still .... or invite them to the dinner table and then it all becomes frantic because it's going to happen right now.

Bedtime is Sacred

The "I just need a drink", "I just need to tell you something", " I just have one more question" antics of bedtime become not so anger inducing when you realise that the little devil is just trying to string out their daily interactions with you and that that time when you sit quietly beside them in bed and read a book with them is one of the highlights of their day. Makes me feel guilty for all the times I rushed it through for some lame arse show on tv because I just wanted to sit down and put my feet up.

Got boys? Go and check out the link http://goodmenproject.com/good-feed-blog/raising-boys-advice-for-moms/

Even if you don't have little boys it might even make your husband's behaviour a little bit more transparent as well. 



9/18/2012 09:49:31 pm

hahahahahahah yesss my boys wait until its teatime and oops its poo time :P and yessss they have all the excuses under the sun to not stay in bed and delay it as long as possible!!!

9/19/2012 09:28:31 am

Glad it's not just me!!

9/20/2012 12:59:03 am

Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
Have a nice day!

9/20/2012 01:47:04 pm

Thanks : )


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